Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Modeling Opportunities

You Oughta Be In Pictures!

If you are a model or an individual interested in photographing with Tammie at ImageWorks Photography, please read below! If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us.


Do I need to be a professional model to qualify for a photoshoot? The answer is simple. No. Amateur models, every day women, men, children,professional models etc. are very useful as you can see in my portfolio.

What do I get for the photoshoot? I work on a Trade For Print basis providing every single one of my models with:
-Either an 8x10 or 4 - 4X6 prints of of their choice (NOT for Weddings)

How much will the photoshoot cost me? The photoshoot is absolutely free. Photography agencies charge between 500-2000 for the same service I provide.

The only thing you are required to do is to sign a model release form for ImageWorks Photography. A model release is a document which enables ImageWorks to use your photographs in advertising, print and web.

Here you can read an important portion of the model release:

"By signing this release I hereby give the Photographer/Filmmaker and Assigns my permission to license the Images and to use the Images in any Media for any purpose (except pornographic ordefamatory) which may include, among others, advertising, promotion, marketing and packaging for any product or service."

If you do not wish to sign the model release but still would like a photoshoot I can give you an estimate.

What sort of photos will be taken during the photoshoot? Generally I shoot lifestyle, beauty, intimate. You are welcome to come up with your own ideas prior the session. It is very important for me that you walk out of my studio with the photos you had in mind or better.

Where will my photos be used? They are used in digital and print media including: magazines, newspapers, leaflets, brochures, websites and books.

Can I get references from previous models? Of course you can, I have shot many models without a problem!

Where do the photoshoots take place? They take place in my studio in Pauls Valley or in a prearranged outdoor setting. You can bring someone along with you if it makes you feel safe. Having said that take into consideration that boyfriends/girlfriends are not always the most appropiate companion during a photoshoot. Parents/friends are always more cooperative and relaxed.

Do you provide a make up artist and a hair stylist? No, We will discuss this on a person to person basis

Ask about our Wedding Model Opportunitites

One more special note for all models: You may not, at any time, retract your model release consent. This is a business transaction and you are receiving photos in exchange of my photographic services.

Photography images are shot by Tammie Riddle Godfrey,owner of ImageWorks Photography Studio. www.imageworksimages.com

Email Me if you have any questions!